Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh Hello...

Now before you tire your throat from shouting "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" (I'm sure that's what's happening now...right? right?), let me tell you. First off, hello! Did you have a nice Halloween? Been watching the Blazers? How's your husband... the kids? Now before you tire your throat from shouting "OK OK ENOUGH WITH THE CHIT CHAT" (as I'm sure your doing right now) I will just tell you where I have been. Since Thursday I have been traveling with two lovely companions (my dear darling Alex and his dear darling mother). Now close your eyes and travel with me now to an exotic land where the $3.00 diner hamburgers flow like water (more than the water does), a place where most belts are covered by bellies... are you standing with Alex, his mother DLo and I at the 24 hour Walmart? If you are, you have safely landed in Warren, Michigan... and that my friends, is where i have been... Please enjoy the photo highlights:
A gift for grandma: would you take a look at those hinnies... adorable, yet delicious!
Harvey plays "Take me out to the Ballgame"
Grandson teaches grandma how to use an iphone.
Alex's tropical dream fountain.
Halloween happy hour at the retirement home.

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