Next week Alex, D'Lo (by "D'Lo" I mean Alex's mother) and I will embark on a weekend journey to Detroit, Michigan! I had a whole slough of "things to do" captured in random scavenged photos, unfortunately blast
blogspot is not uploading images for two hours tonight only (it's like the opposite of a premiere movie). ANYWAYS (pronounced "n- ee- ways" slow and complainy like) you will just have to imagine what the pictures would have looked like: Close your eyes, ready set imagine:
Picture 1: The Detroit skyline.
Caption: Imagine me and Alex standing right here, shouting across the river to Canada "Whatchya talkin' aboot eh" (fake Canadian accents) of course the you can hear the echo of the "eh eh eh eh eh eh" all the way to Canada.
Picture 2: A Sea of Ford Cars.
Caption: Here we are skipping through a sea of cars. Tra la la, there we go.
Well ok, now that you are with me in Detroit, Michigan, you can keep your specs peeled for the real deal, stop imagining would you?